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Reading with your young child

  • Reading is an essential part of children's development. Reading aloud together helps your child to develop skills that are needed when he or she starts school. Let’s Read helps your child to develop a love of books. 
  • Reading aloud is a time to bond with your child. The pictures and the words in the book can give you lots of things to talk about, laugh about and have fun with while you share some special time together. 

When should you begin to read with your young child?

  • There is no specific age to begin, but starting early is great. The best time to start is when you and your baby feel ready.
  • Your baby will love being held in your arms, listening to your voice, and sharing the pictures in the book.

How often should young children be read to?

  • There is no magic figure that says how long or how often. Young children do like routines so it can be good to develop an everyday reading routine. Making reading part of the bedtime routine is great. You might just find that your child will choose books and share reading at any time of the day, just because they like it! 

How do I get my young child involved?

  • Your young child loves the sound of your voice, so turn off the TV and radio to let them hear you. This also helps your child to be less distracted and to focus on the book.
  • Sit your child close or on your knee so that you are both comfortable, and can clearly see and touch the book. Encourage your child to point to things in the book, and let them turn the pages.
  • Let your child choose the books to read. They might like to read the same book with you over and over. Kids love repetition, it means they know what comes next and can be more involved. It’s pretty fun for little kids to be able to tell you the word that finishes the sentence or to describe what’s going to happen next. 
  • Play games and have fun. You can use the book to get started on lots of different activities. Your young child will like being moved to the rhythm of the book, or doing actions to match the book. There are many stories that are actually songs. Your child will love to sing along to the story.
  • Ask questions and point to things in the book. Help your child to explore what they see in the book. Ask him or her to show and tell you about things they like, things they have seen before, the colours they see, and count the things on the page.
  • Join the library. Visiting the library is part of the adventure of books! Your child will have fun selecting the books and they will have lots to choose from. You might also be able to go to “story time” sessions at the library. This shows your child that there are many people who love reading and you can have lots of fun.