
Redlands, Queensland

About the community

Redland Community is situated approximately 45 kilometres from Brisbane CBD. The area covers 537 square kilometres. The residential population is 127,627 with 9,581 children aged 0 to 5 years (ABS Census 2006). 20 per cent of the population were born overseas with 6 per cent from non English speaking countries. The Redlands consists of a number of settled islands.  The main ones being North Stradbroke with a substantial long established Aboriginal community and the Southern Bay Islands with a lower socio economic status for younger parents and a substantial retired % of their populations.

Redlands and the Let's Read program

The Redlands community commenced delivery of Let’s Read in 2008.  It is currently being offered through Playgroups Queensland, Save the Children mobile unit (Russell Island), yulu-burri-ba health centre (Dunwich) as part of jarjums yarnin’, The Cage (a Youth Space for Street Kids and teenage mums), Redlands Community Centre and playgroups at various schools.


The Let's Read program in Redlands is sponsered by The Smith Family.

Key contact

The Smith Family