The Let’s Read Certified Services Pilot with Goodstart Early Learning Report is now available! Read the report here.
Certified services
Let’s Read can support Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services with tailored professional development and resources. Our professional development will help you develop programs to engage with children, families and their community about the importance of activities which support emergent literacy, with a particular emphasis on relationships with families. These support services are based on findings from an initiative piloted in partnership with Goodstart Early Learning from 2011-2013.
Become a Let’s Read certified service
By taking up a Let’s Read enhanced centre-wide eLearning package, you can engage your service in a process of become more professional, inclusive and outcomes-focused in your delivery of early literacy programs. This can include a path to Let’s Read certification. Components of our enhanced professional development packages can include:
Let’s read eLearning course
Refresher training – face-to-face or via video/tele conference
Centre champions’ training – fostering centre-based leadership
Centre-based mentoring
The provision of resources, such as posters, books, DVDs, reading tip sheets.
Developing a statement summarising you centre’s early literacy strategy
Find out more or enrol here.
About the Let’s Read certified services pilot with Goodstart Early Learning
Between 2011-2013, Let’s Read partnered with Goodstart Early Learning (Goodstart) to pilot an emergent literacy professional development package with 15 Goodstart pilot sites (long day care centres) across Victoria. The pilot aimed to develop a low-intensity, low-cost intervention to increase the capacity of educators who have limited time and resources.
Centres were supported with tailored professional development, resources and support to develop programs to foster emergently literacy and engage with children, families and their community about the importance of early literacy activities.
The project had three main stages:
Stage 1: |
A training needs analysis with educators |
Stage 2: |
A three hour face-to-face Let's Read workshop with directors and area managers |
Stage 3: |
Follow up professional develoment and training packages consisting of a face-to-face refresher training program, a suite of resources and supporting materials, with varying intensity.
The pilot achieved its intended outcomes for all pilot sites. It successfully laid the foundations for cross-centre collaboration to create and sustain high quality early literacy environments.
Participating educators are now supporting their centres to develop activities, programs and policies that engage with children, families, caregivers and communities to promote emergent literacy development. However, further support might be needed to sustain educators’ confidence and enthusiasm to implement practice changes.
Find out more about the pilot project
Download the report here
Download the poster (depicted below) here

Portal for participating Goodstart pilot sites
Goodstart Early Learning Centres that participated in the Let's Read certified services pilot can access the private portal here.
Stay in touch
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